

Allantoin is a chemical compound naturally produced by many organisms, animals, plants, and bacteria. Herbal extract of comfrey is a popular source of Allantoin. It is also present in plants including sugar beet, tobacco seed, chamomile, and wheat sprouts. It may also be synthesized from animal urea.

Allantoin is a frequent ingredient in lotions and skin creams, as well as in oral hygiene products, cosmetics, and other toiletries. It is odorless, safe, non-toxic, and non-allergenic in both natural and chemically synthesized form. Allantoin is moisturizing and keratolytic, meaning that it causes keratin in the skin to soften. This property helps skin to heal more quickly and to bind moisture more effectively, making products containing Allantoin useful for dry skin and for healing wounds, burns, and scars. It is also effective against sunburn, chapped lips, cold sores, diaper rash, and similar skin irritations.

Allantoin is also used in medications for dermatological conditions including acne, impetigo, eczema, and psoriasis. It is effective at very low concentrations, usually from 0.1% to 2%.

【特徴1:大容量で経済的】 300gという大容量、10円/gという最高コストパフォーマンス
【特徴2:どっしりシャンプータイプ】 探さなくてもわかる安心感と気軽にワンプッシュ
【特徴3:白くならい、さらさら】 塗った後の快適さを追求
【特徴4:まるで美容液】 日焼けの炎症を抑える成分と保湿を保つための成分、贅沢配合
GOLSEN ゴルファー専用(SPF50 PA+++/COOL/ペパーミント)
【特徴1:Cool】 塗るとスーッと清涼感
【特徴2:肌ケア】 日焼けの炎症を抑える成分と保湿を保つための成分、贅沢配合
【特徴3:微香】 汗の匂いを緩和するためにペパーミントのほのかな香り


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